Couples & Engagements

and Birth Photography
I know what it's like to be pregnant, to feel those little kicks and hiccups - and also to be stabbed in the kidney with a teeny little foot! Through all of those moments, it is a magical experience and one that I really cherish photographing for my clients. Join me for Birth or Maternity Portraiture customized to your vision and style so that you can have beautiful images to show your little ones when they ask you what it was like when they were growing in your belly.

The Experience
You're searching for the perfect Birth or Maternity photographer - someone who's style you like, and who you feel comfortable with. I want you to know that I am more than just a camera service that ends when all the boxes are checked. Rather, the photography experience I provide is much deeper, I work hard by investing time to earn your trust, so that you can feel comfortable and confident and really shine through as the powerful human that you are in your portraits.
Pregnancy is difficult on our bodies and sometimes our spirit, but you deserve to enjoy the process and feel beautiful in the midst of it. I offer a fully stocked wardrobe with options ranging from simple styles to the top-of-the-line couture maternity designers. Hair and Makeup is also available in the studio!
I've already done the leg work so you have access to only the most luxurious Maternity photography products, finished and hand-delivered to you. Wall Art is a popular product choice for Maternity sessions and, honestly, I love that. Hang a portrait of that beautiful, life-creating body up on your wall and be proud of it!

Maine Maternity Photography
Just a quick look through my portfolio and you'll notice two distinct styles of maternity photography that I offer. One is outdoor portraits, heavily focused on beach photography. Clearly, I love the crisp and bright blue waters, and that effortlessly windswept beach hair. These tend to be a bit more free-flowing and light.
The other is an indoor, studio style that leans heavily into the fashion and boudoir worlds. These tend to be a little more edgy, powerful, and sexy.